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How to fix Exodus Error on Kodi: A Simple Step by Step Guide

Fix your Exodus Kodi error right here and right now.

We can all agree that after a hard day of work everybody likes to just sit down in front of their TV screen (or any other screen) and just relax (or ponder) by watching their favorite movie or the next episode of their favorite TV show.

However, we can also agree that when Kodi shows the Exodus error instead of the actual episode of the TV show, it hurts.

The problem becomes especially frustrating when Kodi Exodus worked perfectly fine the last time the user tried to connect.

Now, suddenly it is not working even though the user has not even touched it.

So even the user is not sure what caused his Kodi Exodus error.

It is all a tad bit baffling if one really does not understand how Kodi works.

And did we mention the fact that it is deeply frustrating?


We did.

But we are here to tell the user that there is no reason to despair.

It doesn’t matter what type of error Kodi is throwing at you.

It could be the dreaded Exodus Error Message or No stream available error message.

If the user finds that his/her TV show is doing nothing but constantly buffering or if the user simply cannot see any type of new movies, this is the guide that will help that kind of user solve all of his/her problems.

First things first.

Do not use a baseball bat with Kodi.

It is simply not healthy.

But do read on.

Best Methods of removing Exodus Kodi Error

We have searched the internet at length and have come up with some of the best fixes you will ever find on resolving issues such as Exodus not working.

We’re not saying that the user needs to try all of these methods in order to get results.

But what we are saying is that the user should try these methods one by one until he/she finds the method that resolves the Kodi error problem.

So let’s go through these methods one by one.

Method 1: Time to Upgrade Your Kodi Exodus

Whenever a Kodi error strikes what should be the first course of action?

Well, you don’t need us to tell you that you should always start from updating your Kodi on.

In this case, you need to update Exodus.

Updating your Kodi add-on isn’t exactly a piece of cake.

But it is not difficult either.

The entire process consists of two steps.

The first of those steps is to first uninstall Exodus.

And then the second step is to reinstall Exodus but this time, you will install the latest version of Kodi addon Exodus.

Let’s take a look at each step in detail.

How do I uninstall Kodi add-on Exodus on the Windows platform?

  1. First, run Kodi
  2. Then click on Add-ons.
    This option is pretty visible on the left-sided menu.
  3. After that, you need to perform a click on the icon that comes in the form of a package.
    It is located right in the top left corner of your screen.
  4. When that’s done, you must hit My add-ons.
  5. And then hit Video Add-ons.
  6. After that, you should click the option that says Exodus.
  7. When that is done, you must hit Uninstall.
    This option usually appears right at the bottom on the right-hand side.
  8. Kodi will ask for confirmation.
    Hit Yes.

That is it.

Kodi will now try to uninstall Exodus.

Once Kodi finishes the Exodus uninstall process, the user will have to reinstall the same Kodi addon but only its latest version.

Let’s move to that step.


How to install the absolute latest version of Kodi Exodus on the Windows platform.

We’re assuming now that you have actually taken the time out to uninstall Kodi Exodus.

Now is the time to have a look around and install the very latest of Kodi Exodus.

Here are the steps you need to take.

  1. First, go to this link and safely download the repository zip file called Kodi Bae.
  2. Then you need to run Kodi.
  3. From the home screen go to Add-ons.
  4. Then go to Package icon that appears in the top left corner of the screen.
  5. Choose Install from zip file.
  6. And then choose the option that says Kodi Bae repository.
    This is the exact file that you downloaded in the first step.
    The actual filename might differ in the sense that you might see plugin.video.exodus-xxx.zip.
    Of course, we’re assuming here that the user did not rename the downloaded file.
  7. Now is the time to wait.
  8. So wait.
  9. After a while, you will see your file uploading to Kodi and then installing itself.
    Once the process of installation has finished, the user should see the Exodus add-on installed notification in the top right corner of the screen.

The only thing left to do is to see if Kodi has really resolved the issue of Exodus not working.

To check Exodus Kodi add-on, first, go to Kodi homepage.

And then click on Add-ons.

After that click Video add-ons.

And then Exodus.

Of course, then the user has to try and play a movie.

One other tip that we would like to mention here is that if the above-mentioned process doesn’t work for a given user, the user should try other methods that we have listed below.

Now that the user has reinstalled Kodi and Exodus, it is time to observe if Exodus is giving that error message or not.

Method 2:  Clear Kodi Exodus Providers and Cache

This method is also a no-brainer really.

There are occasions when Exodus simply does not work properly because of the presence of cached data and of course, the stored list of content providers related to specific titles.

Users who are regularly coming across the no stream available error are very prone to this error.

Kodi users who constantly see buffering when they try to play video content may also suffer from the same problem.

So the obvious course of action becomes to first clear the Exodus cache as well as providers of content.

Let’s go through a step-by-step process to see how that’s done.

  1. Go to Kodi
  2. Go to Add-ons
  3. Then to My Add-ons
  4. And then to Video add-ons.
  5. Then click on Exodus
  6. And then on Tools
  7. After that hit Clear Providers
  8. And then click on Yes in order to confirm.
  9. Hit Clear Cache
  10. Again, hit YES in order to confirm.
  11. Now, restart Kodi

That is it.

See if this has resolved your Kodi Exodus problem.

Users who are able to stream video content after following this method should consider their Exodus error to be fixed and in working condition.

Method 3: Modify Exodus Kodi video cache Setting. Also get rid of Temp files.


The thing Kodi users need to understand here is that each and every time a user tries to load a TV series’ episode or a movie in Kodi, Kodi simply saves a file of that content on the user’s device.

However, if Kodi finds that the files are too large, it starts giving user errors.

Kodi users simply cannot watch any videos when this happens.

Typical signs that a Kodi user is suffering from this problem is when there is a lot of buffering while playing content.

In order to accurately determine if this really is the problem that the Kodi user is suffering from, there are a couple of things the user needs to do (and fix them as well).

First, the user has to install the new Kodi addon called Ares Wizard.

Then the Kodi user has to configure the right kind of Kodi cache settings.

After that, the user has to clear all temp and cache files.

Let’s take a look at how a Kodi user can accomplish all of these tasks.

How to Install Kodi add-on Ares Wizard

  1. Run Kodi
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Click File Manager
  4. Now the user to perform a double click on the option that says Add Source.
    It is the at the bottom of the list of shown options
  5. Now the user has to click None.
  6. And then copy/paste the exact URL https://ares-repo.eu/(No longer available)
  7. Hit the OK button.
  8. Now look below and click where it says enter a name for this media source.
  9. Use the name ares repo.
  10. Click the OK button.
  11. Go back to official Kodi home screen
  12. Go to Add-ons via the left-sided menu.
  13. Hit the icon that appears in the form of a package.
    It is located in the top left corner of the screen.
  14. Hit the option that says Install from zip file.
  15. Then click the option ares repo.
  16. After that, perform a single click on the zip file in order to install it.
    Remember, this screen should only have one file and that is the zip file.
  17. After that, hit the option that says install from repository.
  18. Click Ares Project.
  19. Then Program Add-ons.
  20. And then Ares Wizard
  21. After that, hit Install.
    This button appears at the bottom on the right-hand side of the screen.

Now, Kodi should install the new add-on.

Kodi users who suffer from buffering issues with Exodus should use this add-on in order to modify the default Kodi media player’s video cache settings.

After that, the user should clear out all temp files.

How to Change Kodi video cache settings

  1. Go to Kodi.
  2. Hit Add-ons.
  3. Then hit the option Program add-ons.
  4. After that Ares Wizard.
  5. Then hit Tweaks
  6. After that perform a click on Advanced Settings Wizard.
  7. And then click on Next.
  8. Look at Buffer Mode now.
  9. Adjust it till it manages to perfectly suit the concerned device.
    The thing Kodi users need to remember here is that Modes 2 and 1 consume a lot more memory than modes 4 and 3.

But what are all these modes?

Well, let’s take a look.

  • Mode 1 is where Kodi tries to buffer any and all internet content streams.
    This includes FTP streams.
  • Mode 2, which is the one that we recommend, enables Kodi to buffer each and everything.
    This includes all the local files.
  • Mode 3 is where Kodi only tries to buffer streams from online sources.
  • Mode 4 is where Kodi is unable to perform any buffering.
    That is, buffering is disabled.

Now is the time for us folks to tell you how to delete all Kodi temp files.

How do I delete temp files in Kodi?


Let’s assume for a second that your device is actually running out of storage space.

If you use that device to watch content on Kodi then we’re afraid you will run into some major buffering issues.

What we want such Kodi users to do is to try and delete all the temp files that are present in their Kodi setup.

Let’s take a look at how to do that.

  1. Go to Kodi
  2. Click on Add-ons.
  3. Then perform a click on Program add-ons.
  4. After that, hit Ares Wizard in order to launch Ares Wizard.
  5. And then click the option that says Tweaks.
  6. Now click on Maintenance.
  7. Perform a click on Delete Thumbnails.
  8. Then do the same for Delete Packages.
  9. And then perform a click on Delete Cache/Temp.

That is it.

Now the user should go ahead to check if Exodus has started to work as it should.

Method 4: Time to update the Graphics card driver.

This is also a common cause of Exodus not working on Kodi.

If you have an outdated, incorrect or even corrupt driver for your graphics card then that will affect Kodi in a big way.

Now, there are many ways for users to make sure that they have installed the right type of graphics card driver.

If you have a Nvidia graphics card and are on the Windows platform then you need to install GeForce experience application and it will handle the rest as it comes with a DRIVERS tab.

Once you go to the Drivers tab, all that the user needs to do is to click on the button that says “check for updates” and that is it.

If you don’t have a Nvidia graphics driver and are on the Windows platform, then you need to click on the Windows icon that appears in the bottom left corner of your computer’s screen.

Click it, it will open up a menu.

On the search tab, you need to write Device Manager.

Once there, click on Display adaptors.

Select your graphics card from there and perform a right click on it.

Once done, click on Update Driver.

From the resulting window click on the option that says search automatically.

And that is it.

After going through all of this, check to see if Exodus has started to work.

Method 5: Alter the stream time

Lots of times Kodi users would find that they have to deal with no stream available error with Exodus because they have set the time for searching for streams a bit too short.

Exodus needs quite a bit of time to come up with good streams.

So change the settings in the Exodus Kodi add-on to a more suitable limit.

Let’s see how users can do that.

  1. Go to Kodi
  2. Then go Add-ons.
  3. And then to My add-ons.
  4. After that, to Video add-ons.
  5. And then to Exodus.
  6. When that’s done, click on Tools from the menu that appears on the left-hand side.
  7. And then hit General.
  8. While browsing the General tab, users need to modify the slider that appears alongside Providers Timeout.
    We recommend that users should set this to 20-35 seconds.
  9. After that users should click on OK.

That is it.

Try to stream some content now to see if the problem has gone away.

Method 6: Sign up for a VPN service


If you still haven’t managed to get rid of Exodus not working on Kodi error then it is probably because your ISP, or internet service provider, is playing games with you.

What do we mean by that?

We mean that user’s whose internet service provider does not want them to view Kodi videos usually get no stream available error.

In order to resolve all such problems and bypass the internet service provider’s blocks, the user has to install a VPN, or Virtual Private network, service.

Doing so is easy.

And using a VPN service is even easier.

A VPN service is great for users who want to mast their video.

Doing so will block their internet service providers from recognizing the content that the user is playing as Kodi video.

And when internet service provider can’t recognize if a user is viewing Kodi videos, it can’t do anything to block them.

In order to find the best VPN service provider all that users need to do is to search for it using any mainstream search engine.

After that, they have to pick the one that has the best reputation.

You can do that and spend a couple of hours of your precious time to find nothing special.

Or you can just trust our exhaustive research on which VPN is the best for Kodi.

Our research shows that IPvanish is the best VPN service provider for Kodi.

And there are many reasons for it.

IPVanish has full compatibility with almost all Kodi add-ons.

It is fast, reliable and economical.

Moreover, it comes with a 7-day money back guarantee hence users don’t have to take any risk while signing up for the service.

Another point that we would like to mention here is that users should keep away from free VPN service providers.

Why do we say that?

We say that because free VPN services simply do not have the resources to afford the infrastructure that is required to protect users from spying agencies and government surveillance programs.

So avoid free VPNs.

Commercial VPN services do cost users some money but they are well worth the money in the end.

Paid VPN services are more reliable, trustworthy and offer a much more stable internet connection than free VPN services.

To sign up for IPVanish right here and right now from the official website

Method 7: Modify the date and time settings of the Kodi device.

Users who keep on seeing those old TV shows and movies on their Kodi Exodus Add-on should definitely think about this tip.

If you see this error, it is entirely possible that the majority of the content you’ll see in various sections of Kodi catalog would be from the 1970s.

This can happen if the user’s Kodi device has the wrong data and time settings.

To take an example, let’s assume for a second that indeed the user’s Kodi device has got an incorrect date and time settings.

Then what we need such a user to do is to first go to the device’s main settings.

After that find the sub-menu for the date and time settings.

When that is done, the user has to make sure that these are set to current date and time settings.

After making the required changes, the Kodi users go back to the homepage of Kodi and check to see if new content has started to show up.

Method 8: Try to install Exodus Kodi Add-on Again From Another Repository

Many of you would already know that the original developer behind the Kodi add-on that we know as Exodus has officially announced that Exodus would no longer receive any kind of support or updates from him.

In other words, it is entirely possible that the problems a given Kodi user if facing with Exodus not working Kodi error have nothing to do with the Kodi user or his/her Kodi device.

Maybe all those problems are as a  result of a bug that the developer of the Kodi add-on has not fixed and probably will never fix.

The only fortunate part about the whole situation is that there are many other developers who have developed different versions of Exodus.

They are still putting in the hours to update their version of Exodus.

To know more about Exodus and how to install it in different ways on Kodi click here.

Method 9: Leave Exodus and choose Covenant

We can’t really rule out the possibility of the above fixes not working for some Kodi users.

If that is the case with you then we recommend that you should try another Kodi add-on instead of Exodus.

The best Kodi add-on apart from Exodus is Covenant.

Exodus and Covenant pretty much work in the same manner.

The only difference between the two is that the original developer of Covenant is still putting in the time and developing the Kodi add-on.


There may be other methods that we may not have come across.

If you know about them then please let us know via the comment section below.

Also, let us know if these fixes worked for you.

If you have faced some issues in following these fixes then let us know that as well.

Zohair A. Zohair is currently a content crafter at Security Gladiators and has been involved in the technology industry for more than a decade. He is an engineer by training and, naturally, likes to help people solve their tech related problems. When he is not writing, he can usually be found practicing his free-kicks in the ground beside his house.

2 thoughts on “How to fix Exodus Error on Kodi: A Simple Step by Step Guide”

  1. > The first of those steps is to uninstall Exodus.

    If the Tools menu is missing and none of the other steps work, you will have to manually delete Exodus because the current version of Kodi does not perform complete & correct uninstalls. This was necessary to get it working here.


    When poking around with a file manager you will notice all kinds of garbage left over from other “uninstalled” add-ons too.

    > Install Kodi add-on Ares Wizard

    Ares is interesting and possibly useful, but perhaps not so much in these cases.

    > Leave Exodus and choose Covenant

    Covenant is good but not always a workable solution, since neither app is superior for every kind of search.

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