First a warning message.
As more and more Kodi users have started to make use of Kodi add-ons and other unofficial Kodi stuff, the privacy of Kodi users is under more threat than ever.
Hence we recommend that users should make use of the best Kodi VPN as is possible in order to make themselves anonymous online.
A good Kodi VPN will not only allow you to protect your privacy but will also allow you to unblock Kodi add-ons and keep away from all the online copyright trolls.
Not only that, with the best Kodi VPN you will also block internet service providers from throttling your online internet connection.
Since there is no one single VPN best for Kodi, we suggest you go to our best Kodi VPN by clicking here and decide for yourself which VPN for Kodi is best for you.
Table of Contents
What is Kodi? Why should I get it?
If there is one free streaming open-source media player we would like you to get yourself familiar with then that is Kodi.
Thankfully, it is now available on the Mac platform as well.
And since it is an open-source media player, anyone with enough skills and intent can actually develop Kodi addons for it.
Perhaps that is the reason why there are hundreds of Kodi add-ons in the market available today.
Kodi add-ons allow users to stream things such as
- Movies
- Live Sports
- Live TV
- TV Shows
With Kodi add-ons you can get all of that either via paid subscription or for free.
The option with which you go to is totally your choice.
In the end, your decision will get affected by whether you make use of the official Kodi add-ons or unofficial Kodi add-ons.
Unofficial Kodi add-ons are also sometimes called as third-party Kodi add-ons.
In this guide, we will explain how our readers can install Kodi on Mac.
And in the process of doing so, they will have the opportunity to steam a good variety of audio and video content from different sources.
Not only that, but with Kodi, they will also have the option of customizing their Koid experience.
Before you actually get all excited and want to install various Kodi add-ons you should know that not only do you need to protect your privacy (as mentioned before) but you will also need a VPN for speed.
If you do not sign up for a VPN service that is fast, it would not be off much use to you.
Why do we say that?
We say that because Kodi add-ons allow you to stream HD TV shows and movies for free.
If you have a slow VPN service provider then there really is no point in making use of a VPN service.
Remember, when it comes to third-party Kodi add-ons you no only need to protect yourself from hackers and snoopers but also from your internet service provider who may want to watch what you are watching on the internet.
So sign up for a good VPN for Kodi.
A VPN service helps you to hide your activity online and also hides your original IP address.
Click here if you want to learn more about best VPN for Kodi.
We have written a detailed guide on it in order to help you understand more and understand better.
In order to secure your machine which is running on Mac, you will have to actually sync it with a Mac VPN.
For that, you will need a top Mac VPN.
Click here to read a guide on that and make your Mac device Kodi streaming smooth and safe.
Remember, even though Kodi is also a media player that is open source, a lot of things make it vastly different from all the other online and otherwise, media players in the world.
One feature that kills off the competition from the start is the fact that Kodi is open source.
We know that the Android operating system for the mobile platform is also open source.
And look where that has taken Android.
Just like Android, Kodi also allows third-party developers a free hand at developing apps for the platform.
Independent developers all over the world are free to develop various kinds of Kodi add-ons.
Needless to say, Kodi is able to stream all kinds of video content.
You name it, Kodi has it.
We’re talking movies, live sports, live tv, and TV shows.
There are paid as well as free Kodi addons.
Our research shows that Kodi add-ons, official ones at least, sometimes require the user to buy a subscription.
That is where third-party Kodi add-on development section is different.
Unofficial Kodi add-ons do away with the need of user purchasing some sort of subscription.
Is it legal to use Kodi?
Our research shows that it is one hundred percent legal to make use of Kodi.
You can use Kodi to stream all your favorite tv serials, movies, documentaries and live TV channels along with much more.
As discussed above as well, Kodi is completely open source.
Hence, it has no control over what third-party developers develop for the platform.
They are free to create anything and everything that they like.
But sometimes, these unofficial Kodi add-ons show the user free material that has copyrights on it.
If the user stays away from those Kodi add-ons, they can stay away from all the legal trouble as well.
On a multiple number of occasions, Kodi has had to share part of the blame for developers allowing users to infringe copyrights.
Therefore, Kodi has done everything it has been able to in order to address issues such as copyright violations.
And they have collaborated with the likes of HBO, Hulu, and Netflix along with other streaming giants to get a grip on piracy.
How to install Kodi on Mac if you have Kodi 17.6 Krypton.
- First, you need to open up your Mac computer. Then you need to launch your official Safari browser.
- After that, you need to go to the official website of Kodi and then click on the Kodi icon that mentions Mac OS.
- From there you need to select the option that says Installer 64-bit and then you should see the download starting.
- After that is done, you need to save the download on your machine.
- When that is done, you should see a small window popping up on your screen where you can find the kodi icon. All you need to do there is to drag the Kodi icon right into your Applications folder.
- When that is downloaded, you should open up Kodi. If you see any kind of errors which inform you that the system cannot open up Kodi because of the fact that it is from an unidentified developer then you need to press the combination of CMB + Click directly on the Kodi application and then click the Open option.
- There is an alternative way well where you have to go to System Preferences and then to Security and Privacy.
- From there you should tap on the option Allow applications download from. And then you should tap on Anywhere.
- The next step is to open Kodi and then enjoy all the unlimited media content just waiting for you to come and consume.
How to install Kodi on your Mac if you have Kodi 18 Leia.
- So the first step here again is to launch the official Safari web browser on your Mac machine.
- And then open up the official Kodi website. Then you need to click on the official MacOS icon there.
- After that, the website should open up a box and will require you to click on the Pre-Release tab which is located near the top of the screen.
- When that is done, you will need to choose the option that says Alpha 2 Installer 64-bit.
- Then we want you to wait till the download is complete and when it is complete we want you to drag the icon related to Kodi to your Application folder.
- From there open up Kodi and if you find that it is not opening for one reason or another, just press the combination of CMD + mouse click directly on the Kodi app icon in order to then select the option of Open.
- You should know that there is another way to open Kodi as well and that is to first go to System Preferences and then to Security and Privacy and then to Anywhere.
- After that, you should try again and we are confident that Kodi will open for you. Once it does, just enjoy.
How to download Kodi on Mac
We have already mentioned the fact that Kodi is currently not available on the official Apple Store.
And the reason for that is that it is open source.
In other words, it is a software that does nothing to comply with the official Apple terms and conditions.
With that said, it is also true that you can download Kodi on your Mac machine via the official download site of Kodi.
We have already mentioned that you will first have to download Kodi for your Mac and then follow the right instructions that we have described above both for Kodi Leia 18 and Kodi Krypton 17.6
Which are the top Kodi add-ons for the Mac platform?
Of course, you are going to need to the help of some Kodi add-ons once you install it on your Mac machine and we are here to tell you that there are plenty of them here.
All of them will allow you to stream content for free.
You can watch anything and everything from movies, TV series, Live IPTV and Live Sports to documentaries and CCTV footage.
Remember, there are a total of two types of Kodi add-ons that you need to know about and can download and the yare third-party Kodi add-ons and official Kodi add-ons.
As for the list of best Kodi add-ons on the Mac platform, they are as follows
- Exodus
- Skynet
- Uranus
- Kodi iPlayer WWW
- cCloud TV
How to use Kodi on Mac
Now that you have installed Kodi, perhaps this is a good time to tell you how to use it as well.
Using Kodi on Mac is very easy.
And we are sure that you will get used to it very quickly.
However, if you are an absolute Kodi beginner then give yourself a while before you understand all the best custom settings along with other things that Kodi has to offer to all its users.
There are lots of Kodi guides on the internet that talk about all the features that you can access via the Settings menu.
We are not going to talk about that.
What we are going to talk about is how to install those Kodi add-ons on your Mac.
Here is how you do it.
How to install Kodi add-ons on your Mac
- The first step is to make sure that you have installed Kodi. And the next step is to open up Kodi and then make your way to Settings which come in the shape of an icon at the top of the screen.
- Then the user needs to perform a double click on the option of Add Source. From there the user also has to tap on the option that says None.
- And then copy paste the URL of the repository and then perform a click on OK.
- After that, the user should name the new Repository and then press the button that says OK.
- When that is done, you go back to the Kodi main menu.
- And then you go to Add-ons menu. Then you go to the box icon that appears near the top of the screen.
- And then you select the Install from Zip File option after which you should see a box appearing on the screen. Click the box and it should allow you to see the name of the repository that you used in the previous step.
- After that, you need to select the proper Zip File and then you need to wait for a bit before Kodi installs the new repository.
- When that’s done you need to make your way to the option that says Install from Repository. And when that is done you should select the appropriate repository from the shown list.
- Next, you need to click the option that either says Video Add-ons or Program Add-ons depending on your version.
- After that, you should Select any given add-on that you see on your screen via the list and then press the button that says Install. Then you will need to wait it out a bit before Kodi installs the add-on for you.
- When that is done, you should go ahead and open up the add-on. After that, you will not have to do too much in order to stream any kind of TV series and/or Movie on your Mac machine. And guess what? You will not even need a subscription for it.
Kodi compatibility
Kodi is currently available for users not only on the Mac platform but also for users who are on
Users of the Mac platform hopefully know each and everything about how to install Kodi on Mac within a matter of minutes.
Kodi is available for all on the Mac platform and as you have seen, the actual process is rather simple.
In the end, everything depends on you on how you install Kodi on your Mac.
Regardless, Kodi will oblige and will allow you to stream,
- Live IPTV
- Live Sports
- TV Shows
- Movies
All for free if you can believe that.
The other important thing you need to keep in mind here is that you must make use of a Kodi VPN to keep your machine and yourself safe.
Click here to see a list of best VPN for Kodi that we have worked very hard to put up.