All about mobile security and 5 things you no longer ought to engage in

In modern society, more and more people make use of mobile devices at a global scale. There are significant benefits in choosing such devices over the traditional ones, including the unparalleled convenience that they offer while on the go. This is why they have outweighed desktops and their growth increases exponentially over time.

However, alongside with the popularity of mobile devices came the security risks; there are several vulnerabilities in mobile devices running on iOS and Android, making them easy targets to those who seek to benefit from loopholes in their infrastructure. Developers of security malware and other viruses have been putting the privacy and anonymity of mobile users at risk. At the same time, Governments and their agencies have been trying to take advantage of the knowledge of security experts towards penetrating mobile devices.

In order to benefit from using mobile devices without having to settle for less than qualitative protection, it is crucial that we learn more on mobile security. There are pathways that lead us towards enhancing our overall security when we connect online, resulting in a much better and more solid layering of protection for our data and personal information. Having that in mind, let us have a closer look at what the requirements for mobile security actually are.

What You Need for Mobile Security

Mobile security is meant to offer great protection against all kinds of threats, while you connect to your mobile phone or any other mobile device (for instance tablets, smartphones and so on). Among the major details that you ought to consider before actually concluding as to whether or not your mobile security is acceptable, you will find the following:

  • Protection against Data Leakage: All the shared files and documents via your mobile device should be kept thoroughly protected. Encryption can help you out towards getting the security layering that you are after.
  • Personal Information Privacy: You need to make sure that the mobile security level of yours does not allow any penetration on your digital privacy. No digital footprints should be tolerated, in avoidance of problems and identity theft incidents.
  • Malware Protection: In order for your mobile device to get compromised, the proper malware needs to be installed. So, the best thing you need to do is to ensure that you have got adequate malware protection through your iOS or Android (whatever you use) security suite.
  • Phishing Protection: Basically, the same goes for anti-phishing software. If you do not want to get scammed and engage in phishing, you need to be prepared and employ the most suitable tools to succeed in protecting yourself against phishing.
  • No Hackers Penetration: One of the most important sources of hacking comes from unprotected Wi-Fi connections at public locations. You ought to have the right defensive line that does not permit any hacker to crack your system and access personal data of your mobile device.

What We Have Learned about Mobile Security in 2014

There are some truly essential details that have been brought to light, due to the ongoing breaches in the security of mobile devices. Within 2014, there have been quite a few different things highlighted in respect to the safety of mobile devices as a whole. Let’s consider some of them that have alerted us and offered us food for thought regarding our phone security:

  • Unclear Corporate Policies: At several businesses, there is a policy allowing or even encouraging people to bring their own device (BYOD). Nevertheless, this policy is not backed up with the proper infrastructure and consequently there are a lot of security breaches to be handled by the IT department of the company.
  • Stolen and Compromised Devices: Unless the right software that will lock down the device upon being stolen is installed and activated, a lot of crucial data can be put at risk. Fortunately, there is software that you can use towards enabling the geo-tracking of your mobile device – as well as the automatic lock-down or even deletion of all your information on the spot.
  • Wrong Behavior of Employees: The employees can either make or break a business. If they have not been thoroughly educated on mobile security, it is really easy for security breaches to occur and jeopardize the very future of the company. So, it is of paramount importance to be able and inform the staff of every business on policies about mobile devices.
  • Open Wi-Fi Networks: Needless to say that the publicly shared Wi-Fi hotspots are absolutely and utterly unprotected. This means that you need to be extra cautious when connecting via such free but unreliable networks. Especially when it comes to business, there is no room for risking any of the classified data or communications simply for benefiting from Wi-Fi.
  • Passwords: This is yet another plague of the Internet and particularly mobile users. First and foremost, many mobile users do not bother logging out from their social media accounts or their emails, so as to get instant updates and keep information at hand. However, this can be really harmful to your mobile security. Then, there is the phenomenon of using inadequately solid passwords that are too easy to crack.

Models of Device Ownership

There are various types or models of device ownership, which you had better learn more about. Only in this way can you rest assured that you know exactly what you are up to and what you should choose in each case:

  • CYOD: This stands short for Choose Your Own Device. This is a device that has been purchased by the company where you work; however, you have got the right to take the device with you and use it for whatever purpose suits you.
  • BYOD: Similar to the previous option, this has to do with you bringing Your Own Device. In this case, you are the owner of the device and you just bring it to your office for work.
  • COPE: This is the option of a device that is Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled. This combines the pros of the two previously mentioned options, aiming to eliminate their cons. You do not bring your own device at work, but you can use the device for your personal life, with the IT loosening up a little and offering you some flexibility.

5 Things You Ought Not to Do Any More in Mobile Security

As everything in life progresses and change is perpetual, mobile security has changed over the years. As a result, there are some activities that used to be recommended towards empowering your smartphone security or the protection of all your other mobile devices; still, nowadays they are rather outdated and you need to look elsewhere. So, let’s have a deeper look:

Use Limiting App Ecosystems

Today, businesses should not be limited to the use of containerized apps and ecosystems of apps that are linked to specific vendors. On the contrary, now sky is the limit. So, each business can benefit from the numerous apps that are available on the market for iOS and Androids. There is a plethora of apps for businesses to take advantage of, rather than settle for something mediocre or less than the perfect match for them.

Breach Privacy

Back in the days, there have been quite many incidents with businesses spying on their employees and violating their privacy. And these days, there’re some very easy to use tools being made available that can enable anyone to spy on another person such as mSpy. If you wish to enhance the mobile security of your company, a different route should be chosen; instead of trying to come up with potential breaches via the invasion of the privacy of employees, the proper education and an environment of trust and respect are the best solution.


MDM is Mobile Device Management and used to be popular among businesses some time ago. However, there have been complaints by employees and particularly in the case of BYOD devices. Imagine that you bring your mobile phone with you at work for completing your professional tasks and then having to put up with monitoring software on this device of yours after hours.

Make Use of SDK, Containers and App Wrapping

If you look back to the traditional tools and software, along with apps used in working environments, they included SDKs that modified the apps and added security. All these techniques required a lot of time and always had to be completed with the presence of the IT department. Things have changed now, luckily.

Use Multiple Dashboards

Rather than what was the case in the past, now the IT department can benefit from handling a lot of different devices without having to work on multiple dashboards. No different portals for accessing the devices are now required and this not only allows the IT to work more efficiently, but cuts down on the time needed for the proper handling of various devices.

Mobile devices are certainly convenient and truly versatile in their use. They facilitate our work and they provide endless opportunities to us, both in our professional and our personal life. If we learn how to use them without risking any of our rights to privacy, anonymity, freedom and safety, mobile devices can become exceptional means that improve our every moment. So, feel free to read through the information that we have highlighted above and learn everything you need to know about mobile security!

Top/Featured Image: By Dell’s Official Flickr Page [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Stella Strouvali Stella is a certified writer and zealous wordsmith, a true fan of Placebo, technology, Panionios and wellness. Still, her true passion has to do with eagerly learning new things and passing them on to others. “An unexamined life is not worth living”, to quote Socrates.
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