3 Innovative Solutions Reducing the Network Attack Surface

The network attack surface is the sum of all vulnerabilities, access points and entryways in an organization’s network that a cyber attacker could exploit. Reducing the network attack surface is essential in modern cybersecurity practices, as cyber threats become more sophisticated and frequent. The increasing number of connected devices and online activities has expanded network attack surfaces, making networks more vulnerable to attacks.

There are solutions organizations can adopt to reduce network attack surfaces and improve cybersecurity. These solutions include cloud security, network segmentation and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. By understanding these solutions, organizations can take proactive measures to minimize the risk of attacks.

Reducing the Network Attack Surface

Solution 1: Cloud Security

Cloud security is a crucial aspect of reducing an organization’s network attack surface. This solution involves implementing policies, technologies and controls to secure data, applications and infrastructure in cloud computing environments. The goal of cloud security is to protect against potential cyber threats and secure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive information stored in the cloud.

An image featuring cloud security concept

By securely storing sensitive information in the cloud, organizations can have the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing and limit the number of potential entry points for cyberattackers. Using cloud security solutions also helps to detect and respond to potential threats in real time, reducing the risk of a successful attack.

Examples of organizations that have successfully reduced network attack surfaces by using cloud security include financial services companies, healthcare organizations, e-commerce businesses, government agencies and technology companies. These organizations have been able to protect sensitive information from potential cyber threats by using cloud security.

Solution 2: Network Segmentation

Network segmentation is a security strategy that involves dividing a network into smaller, isolated segments to reduce the attack surface and minimize the impact of a potential security breach. This approach allows organizations to better manage and control access to sensitive information, reducing the risk of a successful attack.

One benefit of using network segmentation to reduce the network attack surface is that attackers won’t gain access to sensitive data easily. Because by segmenting a network, organizations can limit the scope of a potential security breach. Network segmentation can also improve visibility and control over network traffic, helping to detect and respond to potential threats.

A healthcare organization might use network segmentation to isolate patient data and medical records from the rest of the network, reducing the risk of a breach. Other examples of organizations using network segmentation include financial services companies, government agencies and technology firms.


Whether it’s through segmenting the network or using other security measures, organizations must take proactive steps to reduce the network attack surface and ensure security.

Solution 3: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are rapidly advancing technologies that can enhance network security and reduce the network attack surface. These technologies use algorithms and statistical models to analyze vast amounts of data and identify potential security threats.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence concept.

These technologies can automate many manual security tasks, allowing security teams to focus on more critical tasks. Another benefit is that AI/ML can provide real-time threat detection, enabling organizations to respond to security incidents more quickly and effectively. AI/ML can also help organizations identify potential security threats that would be difficult for humans to detect, improving the security posture.

A financial services company might use AI/ML to monitor the network for potential fraud and cyberattacks, while a government agency might use these technologies to detect and respond to potential security incidents. Other examples of organizations using AI/ML include healthcare organizations, technology firms and retail companies.

Which Solution Is Best? Solution Comparison

These three innovative solutions for reducing the network attack surface, namely cloud security, network segmentation and artificial intelligence and machine learning, are all effective differently. Each solution has a unique set of benefits and drawbacks that make the solution ideal for certain uses. Below is a comparison between these solutions to help organizations better understand which approach is best.

Cloud Security


  • Centralized management of security.
  • Scalability and flexible deployment.
  • Access to advanced security features.
  • Cost-effectiveness.


  • Dependency on the security of the cloud provider.
  • Complexity in configuring security in a cloud environment.
  • Potential loss of control over security configuration.

Network Segmentation


  • Isolation of sensitive data.
  • Improved network visibility and control.
  • Reduced risk of network-based attacks.
  • Easier to manage security policies.


  • Complexity in implementation and management.
  • Possible degradation of network performance.
  • Increased cost for additional network infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


  • Real-time threat detection.
  • Automation of manual security tasks.
  • Ability to identify potential security threats that humans might miss.
  • Improved overall security posture.


  • Dependency on accurate data and algorithms.
  • Cost of acquiring and maintaining AI/ML systems.
  • Potential loss of control over decision-making processes.

Each of these solutions has strengths and weaknesses that organizations must consider when selecting the best approach to reduce the network attack surface. Organizations need to carefully evaluate each solution to determine which is best for the organization.

Determining the best solution for reducing the network attack surface depends on the specific needs and requirements of each organization. However, most organizations find that either network segmentation, cloud security or Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning provide effective solutions. Small businesses with limited IT resources and budgets tend to prefer network segmentation or AI/ML, as they offer basic isolation of sensitive data, improved network visibility, and real-time threat detection. Large enterprises and financial institutions handling large amounts of sensitive data may prefer cloud security and AI/ML, as they offer centralized management of security and access to advanced security features, as well as real-time threat detection. Government organizations and healthcare organizations handling sensitive information also often choose network segmentation and AI/ML due to their ability to provide necessary isolation of sensitive data and real-time threat detection. It is important to note that while most organizations find that these solutions are effective in reducing the network attack surface, each organization should carefully evaluate its specific needs and requirements to determine the best solution for its individual needs.

Could SASE Be a Possible Solution?

SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is a network architecture that combines security and networking capabilities into a cloud-based service. It can provide comprehensive security for all network edges, including cloud applications, branch offices, and remote workers.

In terms of reducing the attack surface, SASE can offer several benefits. It can provide centralized management and monitoring of security policies and access control, reducing the complexity of managing multiple security solutions. SASE can also offer real-time threat detection and response capabilities, as well as data loss prevention, to help protect sensitive data.

In addition to the three solutions discussed in the article (network segmentation, cloud security, and AI/ML), SASE can be a viable option for organizations looking to reduce their network attack surface. It is important for organizations to evaluate their specific needs and requirements to determine which solution, or combination of solutions, will be the most effective in reducing their attack surface and improving their overall security posture.

What Is a Network Attack Surface?

A network attack surface refers to the sum of all the points or entry points on a network that are vulnerable to cyberattacks. The surface encompasses all the assets, components and technologies that are part of a network, such as servers, applications, devices and services. The larger the network attack surface, the more potential entry points for attackers, making it more difficult to secure the network. By reducing the network attack surface, organizations can minimize their exposure to cyberattacks and improve the overall security posture of their network.

What Are the Risks of Having a Large Attack Surface?

  1. Increased likelihood of cyber attacks: A large attack surface means that there are more potential entry points for attackers, increasing the chances of successful cyber attacks.
  2. Difficulty in detecting and responding to security incidents: With a larger attack surface, it is more challenging to detect and respond to security incidents, as attackers may be able to exploit vulnerabilities that go unnoticed.
  3. Wasted security resources: A large attack surface may also result in organizations having to allocate more resources towards securing their network, as they have to focus on protecting a larger number of entry points.
  4. Reduced efficiency: A large attack surface can also result in reduced efficiency, as organizations may have to spend more time and resources to manage and maintain their network security.
  5. Reputation damage: In the event of a successful cyber attack, a large attack surface can result in significant reputation damage for an organization, as customers and stakeholders may question their ability to protect sensitive information.

What Are the Different Network Attack Surface Types?

The network attack surface can be divided into several types, including:

  1. Perimeter attack surface: This refers to the entry points into an organization’s network from the public Internet, such as web servers, email servers, and VPN gateways.
  2. Endpoint attack surface: This refers to the devices that connect to a network, such as laptops, smartphones, and IoT devices.
  3. Application attack surface: This refers to the software and applications that run on a network, such as web applications, databases, and cloud services.
  4. Network attack surface: This refers to the underlying network infrastructure, such as routers, switches, and firewalls.
  5. Human attack surface: This refers to the potential for social engineering attacks or other forms of human-targeted attacks, such as phishing or baiting.

This is important:

Each of these types of network attack surfaces has its own unique set of vulnerabilities and risks, and it is important for organizations to understand the potential threat vectors in order to effectively reduce their network attack surface and improve their overall security posture.

What Are the Best Network Attack Surface Management Tools?

There are several network attack surface Management (NASM) tools that can help organizations identify and reduce the risks associated with a large attack surface. Some of the best NASM tools include:

  1. Nessus: This is a comprehensive vulnerability scanner that can identify and assess potential attack vectors across an organization’s perimeter, endpoint, and application attack surfaces.
  2. Qualys: This cloud-based platform provides a range of network security and compliance management tools, including vulnerability scanning and remediation, network discovery, and policy compliance reporting.
  3. Tripwire IP360: This solution provides asset discovery, vulnerability management, and security configuration management capabilities to help organizations reduce their attack surface.
  4. Microsoft Defender: This is a comprehensive security platform that includes antivirus, firewall, and intrusion prevention capabilities, as well as threat and vulnerability management features.
  5. IBM AppScan: This is a web application security solution that helps organizations identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in web-based applications and APIs.

Reducing the network attack surface is a critical aspect of modern cybersecurity. Cloud security, network segmentation, and AI/ML are three innovative solutions that can help organizations achieve this goal. Each solution offers unique benefits and limitations, and organizations should carefully evaluate their specific needs and risk profile when choosing the best approach. By implementing these solutions, organizations can reduce their risk of cyber attacks and protect their critical assets and data. It is recommended that organizations stay informed about emerging threats and trends in the cybersecurity landscape, and continuously assess and update their security measures to ensure they are staying ahead of potential attackers.

Damien Mather Damien is a cybersecurity professional and online privacy advocate with a bachelor of Computer Science. He has been in the industry for 20+ years and has seen the space evolve far bigger than he ever thought. When he is not buried in his research or going through code, he is probably out Surfing or Camping and enjoying the great outdoors. 
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