Let’s get the first question of what is Amazon Fire TV out of the way quickly:
It is a streaming device.
More of a media player than anything else.
And most of us know what streaming devices do and how they work.
Basically, streaming devices such as Amazon Fire TV connect to the user’s internet connection and then enable users to stream high-quality content from all the different streaming services that exist on the Internet.
Popular streaming sites include,
- YouTube
- Netflix
- Hulu
Moreover, there are many other streaming sources that don’t provide video content.
You have streaming sites that only cater to people who want to listen to audio files.
There are also some that only show you images.
Amazon Fire TV is a little different from all the other streaming devices though.
Or rather how?
Well, first, Amazon has two versions of it.
One is your regular Amazon Fire TV which is a streaming device in the shape of a box.
The other is Amazon FireStick which resembles a smaller appliance.
In terms of features, there is hardly a difference between the two.
In terms of raw power though, the Amazon Fire TV is better than the Amazon Fire Stick.
Moreover, if you want to buy an Amazon FireStick, you only have to pay around $50.
So it is cheap.
This super guide is meant to teach you how to quickly install Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick.
With Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick, your streaming experience will improve multiple times.
The whole setup is a thing of beauty actually.
Because it is rather small.
And it doesn’t eat up too much space.
In other words, it is portable.
All you need is an internet connection that is fast.
You will also need that HDMI TV in order to fully enjoy your high-quality content.
Don’t worry about the content part though.
Because Amazon Fire Stick with Kodi has got you covered.
If you still haven’t got a fire stick yet and you need one, just head to Amazon here and grab one.
Table of Contents
How To Quickly Download Kodi For Your Amazon Fire Stick
Amazon has just come out with its new Amazon Fire Stick.
It is called Amazon Fire Stick 2.
Our methods described here will work for both versions of Amazon Fire Stick.
Before we describe the actual methods though, know that the new Amazon device is great.
But it is greater when combined with Kodi.
Kodi makes any streaming device more powerful and portable.
Looking for a decent Kodi box?
Then Amazon FireStick 2 is your answer.
How To Quickly Install Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick. All Versions
As mentioned before, there aren’t many devices which are better than Amazon Fire Stick when it comes to streaming.
Streaming devices such as Amazon Fire Stick can transform your simple TV to a really Smart TV.
All you need to do is plus Amazon Fire Stick right into the HDMI port of any of your TV sets.
Then, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Amazon Fire TV comes with over 4000 channels.
You can watch all of them at your leisure without worrying about paying expensive cable subscriptions.
Moreover, Amazon Fire TV also comes with many apps, video games and most of all TV series.
Some reports say that Amazon Fire TV has over 250,000 worth of TV series episodes.
But why is Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick so great?
Well, it is great because it can cater to a lot of users.
Each user has his/her own preferences.
But most of the devices don’t cater to that aspect of their customer base.
Amazon Fire Stick does.
That is the reason why this device has images, audio files as well as movies.
And with Kodi on Amazon Fire TV, you can take it even further.
Kodi on Amazon Fire TV is so good that some have even called the combination as jailbreak Amazon Fire Stick.
While we are on that, click here if you want to learn how to quickly install Genesis on Kodi.
If you want a great home theater system, then there is no combination better than Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick.
Amazon Fire Stick also ships with a remote control.
Users can make use of the remote control for other setups such as that of Kodi as well.
Moreover, we already know that Amazon Fire Stick along with Kodi use the operating system Android as their default OS.
That is great.
But if you don’t have Google Play Store on your device then you can’t use its apps.
And hence you can configure Kodi in any meaningful direct manner.
Hence you need to learn how to set up Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick.
The best way, or one of the best ways, to do that is by installing Kodi on your streaming device via a method called side loading.
This is one of the ways in which you can install Kodi on your Amazon Fire Stick.
How To Quickly Download Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick.
As mentioned before, there are several ways of installing Kodi on your Amazon streaming device.
But the method we will show you now is the best and the fastest.
Because it works for all Amazon devices and not just the first versions of Fire Stick and/or Fire TV.
All you have to do is follow the steps given below:
- Turn on your Amazon Fire Stick device
- Then from the main menu make your way to Settings
- And then go to System
- After that hit Developer Options
- And then go to Enable ADB Debugging
- While you’re at it, also make sure that you enable the option that says Apps From Unknown Sources
- Then, go back to the main menu.
- Open your App Store
- Then perform the search for an app called Downloader.
Download the one that eSaba has listed.
Then install the app - After that you need to open the Downloader app you installed in the previous step.
After that copy the link below and then click the related download button,
“https://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/android/arm/” - Your streaming device will not download the App.
Along with that, you will activate some more options.
Some of them will allow you to install Kodi on your streaming device.
Click the option that allows you to Install Kodi. - When your streaming device has installed Kodi you need to go to the apps section again.
- And then start your Kodi.
There are tons of hacks that you can mess around with on your Amazon Fire Stick.
Most of these hacks will improve your streaming experience.
So it is a good idea to experiment a little bit.
How To Quickly Install Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick TV With Apps2Fire
Apps2Fire is a mobile application that allows users to install all the Android apps they want to install on their Amazon Fire TV and Amazon Fire Stick.
One of these apps is Kodi.
Which is what you want right?
So first, you will have to install Kodi media player on your smartphone.
Then you will need to use the Apps2Fire in order to transfer any given app right to your Amazon Fire TV.
The process will become easy for you if you happen to have one of those Android smartphones.
So simplify things and get an Android smartphone.
No need to go and buy a new one.
Even an old one can do the job.
This is perhaps the fastest way in order to install Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick.
Step By Step Guide
- Make your way to Settings again
- Now go to System again
- And then to Developer options, again.
- Here you need to search for the option that says Apps From Unknown Sources.
You need to turn ON this option.
After you have followed through with all the previous steps, finish off this tutorial and have installed Kodi on your Amazon Fire TV then turn this option off. - Now make way to Settings
- Then System
- Then About
- After that go to Network
- Here you need to note down your Amazon Fire TV IP address.
- Now all you need to do is obtain the setup for Apps2Fire and then install it.
During the installation process, you must use the IP address of your Amazon Fire Stick. - Now has come the time that you must install Kodi on that Android smartphone of yours.
- After the previous step, you must click on Menu.
Now move forward and click on that Upload button.
This is where it will use you all the names of your apps.
You need to choose the app Kodi from the list. - Then start the installation process.
If you encounter any error then that means your device can’t manage this installation process.
You will have to follow another method which we will describe below.
Again, Apps2Fire is nothing more than just a simple app.
This app allows users to download Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick.
If you see that you have not encountered any errors and everything seems like it is working properly without problems, then that means you have successfully installed Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick.
On a side note, if you want to know which are the best Kodi add-ons available in the market today then click here.
How To Quickly Install Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick With ES File Explorer
You have already read the heading so let’s get straight to it.
This section will show you how to use ES File Explorer application in order to install Kodi on your Amazon Fire Stick.
There is little doubt that Es File Explorer app is a very useful piece of software.
This is also the reason why it is readily available at places such as Amazon Store.
If you want to install Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick and want to use ES File Explorer to do it, then follow the step by step guide below.
Do take note that if you happen to have one of those Samsung Smart TV sets, then you can also learn how to quickly install Kodi on your Samsung Smart TV set.
Click here if you want to learn how to do that.
Step By Step Guide
Step 1: Turn On Your Amazon Fire TV And Enable Those Developer Options
To do that you will first need to enter Settings from the main menu.
Then you will have to go to System
After that, you will have to click on Developer Options.
There you should have no trouble in finding the option that says Apps from Unknown Sources.
Set this option to ON.
Once you are done with the whole process and have installed Kodi on Amazon Fire TV, then you can simply come back to this menu and turn off the same option.
Step 2: Set Up And Install ES File Explorer
This is a very important step so pay close attention.
First, go to Amazon Fire TV home screen.
Then look for the search function.
Click on it.
Then type this, “ES File Explorer” without the quotes
Then you should see the appropriate app icon.
Click it and then install it.
If the above doesn’t work for you then you can go to the below-given link and then click on the install option.
This link will download ES File Explorer directly on your Amazon Fire Stick automatically.
Step 3: Download Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick
As mentioned before ES File manager is a great piece of utility app that allows you to manage files.
It also enables users to download and install third-party app files.
Moreover, it also supports APK files.
Once you have installed ES File Explorer on your Amazon device, all you need to do is click on the left side of your screen.
The above action will result in the app displaying some options to you.
You need to hit the Add button here.
Then you should see a box.
This box will have space for some details.
You will have to fill in those details in the upcoming steps.
Step 4: Get The Download Link And Add Kodi
Search for the option that says PATH.
Then insert the appropriate download link for Kodi.
The download link for Kodi is as follows: https://kodi.tv/download
Take great care in inputting the link. Make sure you don’t miss the HTTP:// section of the link.
There is also a name section.
Put Kodi in there.
Step 5: Start Kodi Download And Then Transfer Kodi To Your Streaming Device
After you have completed the previous step you need to click the Kodi options that appear in the related sidebar.
Doing so should open up the official Kodi download page.
Here you need to scroll down a bit.
And then find that Android option.
Once there, download the ARM version of the Android operating system.
Step 6: Transfer Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick And Install it
Now all you need to do is wait for a bit and allow the downloading process to finish.
After that, you need to click or tap on the option that says Open FIle.
Then find the Kodi APK file.
Open it and then continue to install Kodi on Amazon Fire TV.
Step 7: The Finishing Step
Let the installation process reach its completion stage.
Then simply click on that Open button and start using Kodi.
That wasn’t so hard or was it?
How To Find Kodi On Your Amazon Device
To find Kodi, you need to go to Settings and then to Applications and after that, to Manage Installed Applications.
Finally, you need to select Kodi here in order to start streaming it.
What If I Have Apple TV?
No problem.
You can also install Kodi for your Apple TV.
There is a simple method to execute that process too.
But you will need to jailbreak your Apple streaming device.
Only then can you start using Kodi on your Apple streaming device.
Let’s move to another method in which you can install Kodi on your Amazon streaming device.
How To Quickly Install Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick With AdbLink
This is perhaps the most complicated method of the lot.
But if you want to install Kodi, then you have to jump some hoops.
We’ll guide you throughout the process so you don’t need to lose heart.
If you can’t install Kodi on your Fire Stick with ES File Explorer and if you don’t own any Android smartphone, then the only method that can save you is this one.
This method will help you install Kodi on your Fire Stick with ease.
Here are the requirements,
- You must have a desktop computer and a laptop nearby
- You will also need a Fire Stick device. This is obvious.
- Both of these devices should have the same network
In other words, make sure you connect both devices to the same WiFi connection.
You can also connect both using an internet modem.
The operating system doesn’t really matter.
You can use whichever you want.
Windows, Mac, or Linux, this method works with all operating systems. - Download adbLink which is available for Linux, Windows and of course Mac.
Here Is The Step By Step Guide
- First, go to this site and download Kodi from there.
Make sure you save it on your laptop or desktop computer.
This machine must also have adblink on it. We’ll come to that in a bit. - You have your Amazon Fire TV streaming device ready right?
Because we must enable ADB on it in order to progress further.
So turn on your Fire Stick and then go to Settings.
After that, head over to System and then to Developer Options.
You should see two toggle options here.
Turn both of them to ON.
Also while you’re at it, enable Apps from Unknown Sources along with ADB debugging.
Your streaming device will show you an “unknown sources” message.
You need to select OK when you see one. - Now, Search for your Fire Stick or Fire TV IP address. You will have to use it in your adblink tool.
Then you will also use the same IP to kind of push your Kodi files right into the FIre TV and/or Fire Stick device or devices.
To do that, go to Settings.
And then to System.
Then to About.
And then to Network.
When you get there, save the IP address somewhere convenient.
We will need it to complete the next step. - If you have followed the steps before this one down to a tee then you should have a ready Fire Stick device.
Now we need to make sure your computer machine is ready to do some work.
To do that, download adbLink from the below-given links and then install the software on your computer machine.
For Windows.
For Mac, if you have OS X version 10.7 and higher.
And for Linux. - When you have finished the download and install process you should see a window indicating that both processes have finished.
From this window, you need to find an option that says New button. Click it. - Then look at the option where it says Description.
Type out Fire Stick there.
There is also an address section.
Input your previously noted IP address in there.
Then hit Save. - Go back to the home screen of adbLink app. And hit the Connect button.
- You should see a Connected devices box-like section.
If you have followed the previous steps correctly then you should see your Firestick IP address in the list over here. - Hit the button that says Install APK.
- Now, search for the Kodi file you downloaded before.
We told you to do so in the first few steps of this section of the tutorial.
When you have selected the Kodi file, you should see a notification box.
Select Yes. - If everything has gone to plan till now, then your device will begin the installation process.
Look at the left corner of your adbLink app if you want to check the status of your installation process. - When it has finished, you should see the standard Installed message.
This will show up in adbLink.
Click OK when you see the button for it.
You now have Kodi on your Fire TV and/or Fire Stick device.
If you want to use Kodi right away then go to Settings from the main menu and then to Applications.
After that go to Manage Installed Applications and then to Kodi.
And that is it.
As we told you before:
This method is anything but straightforward.
But with proper concentration, you can do it.
And install Kodi on your Amazon streaming device.
What Is The Difference Between Amazon Fire Stick And Amazon Fire TV?
There are many differences.
Let’s list them one by one.
- Amazon’s Fire TV supports more resolutions.
It supports 4K and 1080p streaming.
On the other hand, the Fire Stick only has support for 1080p HD content. - Since the Fire TV is more powerful, it requires an HDMI cable to connect to a TV set.
Moreover, it also requires the user to connect it to an AC adapter to turn it on.
The Fire Stick is different.
It doesn’t require any cable.
You can fit it right into the HDMI slot of your TV set.
Moreover, to power it up you only need to insert it into the USB slot of your TV set.
If you happen to have a wall mounted TV then Fire Stick is the better choice for you.
With Fire TV you need wires. - Amazon’s Fire TV also comes with a dedicated Ethernet port.
This means, if you have an ethernet cable then you can connect your router directly to your Amazon Fire TV.
This will make it easy for you to view 4K resolution content without much buffering.
Moreover, the Fire TV also comes with an SD slot.
You can use this slot to expand its storage.
This also means that Fire TV has slightly more and customizable storage than Fire Stick.
If you install Kodi on Fire TV, then you’ll have a more powerful setup than you would have with a Kodi on Fire Stick.
Fire TV also has less lag.
Fire Stick is likely to lag when you try to stream HD videos. - Amazon’s Fire Stick doesn’t support as many apps as Fire TV.
And you know the general rule, the more apps you have, the better it is for your overall web experience. - The Fire TV can help you play video games.
Amazon’s Fire Stick doesn’t have the firepower to play games.
With Fire Stick, you can only play a few lightweight games.
The reason behind that is FIre Stick is supposed to cater to people who want portability.
That is the reason why you can connect your Fire TV with any and all modern TV sets in the world.
When you combine Fire Stick with Kodi, then you have a system where you can stream anything you want and whenever you want.
Fire Stick’s portability makes it the go to streaming device for most users. - As far as the looks and physical dimensions are concerned, both streaming devices could not be more different.
We can’t say the same for the interface and app integrations though.
As both of them are equally accomplished in the above-mentioned fields.
Both have almost the same software.
But perhaps that is a good thing.
Because you can use this guide for both Fire Stick and Fire TV. - Some users don’t want portability if it means they would give up power.
For them, the choice is simple.
Buy Fire TV.
But if you are one of those users who wants a portable streaming device, then the Fire Stick is tailor made for you.
Not to mention it only costs $50.
So if you are on a tight budget then go with Fire Stick and then install Kodi. - The best thing about both devices is their ability to integrate with Netflix.
Amazon has put in a lot of work to ensure that users face no problems in that regard.
Moreover, if you want to then someone can jailbreak both Amazon Fire Stick and Fire TV for you.
But for a price.
Amazing Things Users Can Do With Kodi On Amazon Fire Stick
- If you have Kodi on your Amazon streaming device then you can stream content from Torrent files directly.
Kodi also provides you with features with which you can stream HD movies along with TV shows without any charge.
If you know how to setup IPTV on Kodi then that is great.
Because that will also enable you to view Live TV via Kodi on Fire TV.
And that too for free.
What’s more, this will allow you to cancel your cable subscription.
But you’ll have to make sure you know how to work with an IPTV before that.
Once you have installed the whole setup, you can safely connect with Kodi and watch an unlimited amount of content in the form of TV series and movies.
For free. - If you happen to love your audio files on services like Apple iTunes and SoundCloud then you can listen to any of them with Kodi on Fire Stick or Fire TV as well.
Sometimes, you can even get your favorite audio files for free via Kodi.
You will never have to visit a poorly built website in order to download your audio files.
Just install Kodi on Fire Stick and then start streaming whatever it is you want to stream. - Kodi can also stream content from video streaming sources such as Hulu, YouTube, and Netflix.
It comes with integrations for all the above-mentioned streaming sites by default.
To do so you will need your login credentials though.
Then you can just relax and watch high-quality content from your libraries - If you are into Pinterest and Flickr then Kodi will let you view HQ images as well.
Moreover, it has a slideshow feature which automatically displays random pictures from the sources you pick.
We have described four steps which very straightforward.
They will work for all your Amazon streaming services.
If, by chance, some of the methods don’t work for you then do let us know in the comments section below.
We will take your comments into consideration and then update our methods as appropriate.
In order to get every feature and addon possible on kodi and to not get sued if you accidentally watch something pirated, you need a VPN. You can find the 5 best VPN’s for Kodi here.
I think most people are better off just paying for Amazon Prime or Netflix or whatever and streaming that way. I can’t imagine someone like my mom trying to put Kodi on their Fire Stick when it’s this complicated. Although now that I think about it, I bet you could sell Kodi installation as a service, for people who aren’t very good at tech stuff… hmm.
Thanks for the comment Daniel.
Offering such a service could work.
We suspect plenty of people would always be on it.
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