12 Best Motivating Cybersecurity TED Talks

Cybersecurity refers to the methods and procedures used to keep data, devices, networks, and online systems safe from cyber attacks. The primary goal of cybersecurity is to guarantee the privacy and security of personal and corporate information.

The significance of cybersecurity stems from the desire of all organizations and individuals to secure confidential data from attackers. Organizations are aware of the dangers of a cyberattack, which can result in reputational harm or financial loss. Individuals must also protect important data against unauthorized access, such as financial information, passwords, and usernames. Organizations can, however, maintain peace of mind with data protection because of cybersecurity. Additionally, cybersecurity aids in protecting both end-users and staff in organizations. Finally, job security is known to significantly improve productivity within organizations.

Cybersecurity TED Talks

The 12 best motivating cybersecurity TED Talks are listed below.

  1. Why Cybersecurity is Important
  2. Human Hacking
  3. The Source of Cybercrime
  4. Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity
  5. Staying Safe in an Online World
  6. What Is the Future of Cyberwar?
  7. Security is Just a Feeling
  8. Cyberattacks and Humanity
  9. Put the Kids in Charge of Cybersecurity
  10. The Five Laws of Cybersecurity
  11. The 1s and 0s Behind Cyber Warfare
  12. The Security Mirage

1. Why Cybersecurity is Important

This TED lecture was released on YouTube on April 10, 2017. The main focus is people’s perception of cybersecurity and how internet usage interferes with people’s identities. Furthermore, workplace security will allow employees to be more productive at work. Romeo, the speaker, also stresses the need for parental controls on children’s devices.

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The goal of this TED talk is to raise awareness and convince listeners of the importance of cybersecurity. Dr. Romeo Farinacci, program director for information technology (IT) and cybersecurity at Grand Canyon University’s College of science, engineering, and technology (CSET), discusses the importance of cybersecurity in the workplace and at home.

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Dr. Romeo has 20 years of committed IT/CyberSecurity expertise and is a senior-level security specialist, consultant, and international speaker on cybersecurity. Romeo is also a problem-solver with a track record of inventing, executing, and managing innovative solutions that boost efficiency, save costs, and boost corporate growth.


This TED talk encourages people to think of cybersecurity as a tool for protecting people’s data and securing online identities. This informative discussion will alter people’s attitudes towards device security at home and work. Parents can also use modern protective technology to ensure that children learn and play without worrying about online threats. For more details, people can listen to this talk on the TED YouTube channel.

2. Human Hacking

This TED talk took place in September 2019. The significance of the discussion is that participants will be able to comprehend cyber-attack techniques, thereby preventing humans from becoming victims. Eric goes on to say that cybercriminals aren’t after the computer systems but rather the people who work behind them. The overall goal of this TED talk is to educate listeners about the psychology of cybercrime.

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This presentation was given by Dr. Erik J. Huffman, an award-winning cybersecurity specialist, instructor, and entrepreneur. Eric tells an interesting story about how a cybercriminal used a false email to compromise his emotions psychologically and how a coworker downloaded a dangerous email attachment. Even Eric, a cybersecurity expert himself, admitted to being prey to the cybercriminal’s methods. The attachment was infected with ransomware, which gained illegal access to all the system’s files. Eric also shared a friend’s story who was defrauded on Instagram using social engineering.

Dr. Huffman is a pioneer in Cyberpsychology, having conducted studies with over 10,000 individuals. He has studied how hackers utilize human vulnerabilities to overcome technology barriers by working with hackers.

This TED talk helps people understand personalities and what to believe. In addition, the presentation advised individuals to think about themselves before reacting. However, the most important message in this talk is that cyber criminals do not only target computers but people and organizations. For more information on this talk and a link to the live recording, visit the TEDx TalksYouTube channel or the TED website.

3. The Source of Cybercrime

This exposition is one of the best cybersecurity TED talks, officially released in November 2016 at the TED Institute. The significance of this discussion is that participants will be able to determine the optimal reaction against cybercrime. The goal of the presentation is to make people aware that cybercrime is rampant and uncontrollable.

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This session was given by Caleb Barlow, the CEO of a cybersecurity services business. The talk focused on smashing the work of cybercriminals. According to a UN assessment, highly organized criminals are responsible for 80% of cybercrime, constituting one of the world’s greatest illegal industries.

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The former vice president of IBM Security advises that cybercrime be tackled in the same way that a health problem like Covid-19 is tackled. Caleb looked at the response pattern and discovered that people were sharing timely information about who was affected and how the disease spread. On the other hand, implementing this strategy may help people solve cybercrime.

In his session, Caleb demonstrated how to democratize threat intelligence data effectively. The talk also inspires others to learn to open up and share all relevant information concerning cybercrimes faced personally or professionally. Find the details for this talk on the TED website.

4. Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity

On July 6, 2017, TEDx talks released this presentation on YouTube. The significance of this discussion is that people will be able to examine rapidly evolving technology, the implications for human security, and future assaults. The objective of the discussion is to persuade society to be vigilant in the face of future cyberattacks. Individuals can understand and learn to mitigate cyber dangers.

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Srini Sampalli is a Professor and 3M National Teaching Fellow at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Computer Science. Srini has more than 20 years of experience teaching and researching computer science, focusing on cyber security and cyber technologies. Srini was awarded the Outstanding Educator Award by the IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section in 2016. He has been the honorary Vice President (Canada) of the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows since September 2016 (IFNTF).

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Mobile technologies, ransomware, internet-enabled appliances and electronics, big data, and the human aspect are Srini’s five key threat areas. He argued that rather than hacking, cybercriminals might readily persuade people via social engineering strategies and psychological manipulation (e.g., the human factor). He further explained the necessity of passwords by quoting Chris Parrillo, who said that passwords are like underwear: they should not be seen but should be changed frequently.

Srini analyzed the current state of technology and the recent rise in cyber-attacks. People can, however, learn to be completely immune to cyber attacks. Srini also advised people to time travel to forecast future cyber assaults to prevent or mitigate attacks. This TED talk is available for viewing on YouTube.

5. Staying Safe in an Online World

In January 2020, this TED talk was made available online. This talk educates internet users on protection techniques from cyberattacks. The presentation later aims to persuade internet users that online security does not require expertise in security or hacking.

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Maytal Brooks-Kempler, a cybersecurity awareness expert and the founder of a consultancy firm, also provided several tools and practices for safe internet use. Brooks-Kempler demonstrates several basic precautions that people should take to secure all online profiles, such as being cautious about the information shared and downloaded. People have died as a result of sextortion, according to Maytal, who is the president of the (ISC)2 Israel branch, a volunteer organization dedicated to the advancement of the cyber profession. She leads presentations and security awareness initiatives to educate youngsters and the broader public about the need for security and privacy awareness.

Maytal educates people on easy methods to secure online activities because over 80% of all security issues involve the human component, exposing people to cyber threats such as viruses, ransomware, sextortion, phishing, and more. Maytal also taught individuals to think twice before sharing or clicking and plan and back up. People may watch this discussion on the TEDx Talks YouTube channel or TED website to learn about staying safe online.

6. What Is the Future of Cyberwar?

What is the Future of Cyberwar was first released on June 29, 2015. Individuals can use the presentation to compare and contrast classic security issues with current cyber threats and their effects. However, the overall goal is to inform internet users about changes in security dangers in the past, present, and future.

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Amy Zegart delivered a presentation on the future of cyberwar. Amy Zegart is the Davies Family Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). Amy Zegart is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and her academic interests include intelligence agencies, organizational dynamics, and national security. She was named one of the top ten intelligence reform experts by the National Journal.

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According to Dr. Amy Zegart, a US intelligence report from 2007 did not include the term “cyber” in its annual assessment. However, in 2009, cyber dangers were rated lower than drug trafficking in West Africa. And the rise in cyber-threats has been enormous up to the present. She went on to say that in today’s society, connectivity is both a source of power and a cause of vulnerability. In addition, with each new smart gadget comes a new set of vulnerabilities.


This presentation teaches people to be cautious while also learning about the trends and evolution of cyberattacks resulting from technological improvement. The cyber danger of the future will endanger information and the physical world. Tomorrow’s cyber threats might cripple cars and planes, as well as cut off power and water. This presentation is available on YouTube for those who want to learn more.

7. Security is Just a Feeling

This TED talk was given in June 2014 and was uploaded to YouTube on September 3, 2014. The lecture explained how security is more of a feeling than something that can be purchased. The presentation aims to pique people’s interest in their technological surroundings and devices.

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An ethical hacker, Chris Nickerson, urged people to embrace “real hackers,” those who uncover security flaws by breaking into computer systems. Nickerson, who transformed his hacking abilities into being the CEO of a corporate security firm (Lares Consulting), provides an entertaining counter-argument as well as some provocative points to consider. Chris Nickerson also assists businesses and individuals in dealing with physical and digital breaches.

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Nick used an analogy to demonstrate how hacking and security are uncomplicated when approached with curiosity. Nick went on to say that awareness is more important than knowledge. Also, despite spending a lot of money on cybersecurity, firms are still hacked. This presentation can assist individuals in being more critical and curious before purchasing any product. “Everyone has a strategy until they get hit in the face,” Nick said, quoting Mike Tyson.

The only solution, according to Nick, is to hire more hackers to raise awareness about security vulnerabilities by hacking more networks. Companies will be able to see weaknesses in all systems due to curiosity. People can learn more about this TED lecture on the TEDx Talks YouTube channel and the TED website.

8. Cyberattacks and Humanity

On June 10, 2019, the TED presentation was made available on YouTube. This TED talk aims to raise awareness of the role of human factors in cyber attacks. Despite safe built-in mechanisms and expertise to reduce threats, human factors are responsible for most cyberattacks experienced by organizations. However, the goal of this talk is to demonstrate that computers do not make mistakes; people do.

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Companies continue to be hacked, according to Mark Burnette, because humans administer the security systems. Hackers commonly use social engineering to manipulate personnel, resulting in organizational attacks. Most individuals view passwords as a hindrance rather than a strategic safeguard. People also use passwords that are simple to remember and understand, making it easy for hackers to access people’s accounts in the event of a password compromise.

Mark, a leading cybersecurity specialist in the United States, educated audiences on the three human qualities hackers exploit to carry out cyberattacks.

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However, the characteristics are that individuals are curious, trusting, and helpful and that people are misinformed. In addition, curiosity is the most common human trait that renders people vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Mark Burnette is Shareholder-in-Charge of LBMC Information Security, a nationwide professional services and cybersecurity consulting organization. Mark was elected ISE Southeast’s Information Security Executive of the Year in 2005. He was designated one of Information Security Magazine’s Top Seven security executives in 2008 and one of ComputerWorld Magazine’s Premier 100 IT Leaders in 2009.

This TED lecture alerts individuals that everyone is a target of cyberattacks. According to Mark, people should also remain cautious, use multi-factor authentication, and create strong passwords. People may discover more about this insightful TEDx talk on the TEDx talks YouTube channel.

9. Put the Kids in Charge of Cybersecurity

On May 31, 2019, this TED talk was made available on YouTube. The presentation’s significance is to make people aware of the consequences of failing to educate children about cybersecurity. The goal of his TED talk is to educate people about people’s cybersecurity failings and the unique remedy Duane proposed. This TED talk also promotes putting children in charge of data security.

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Dr. Duane Dunston, an Associate Professor of Information Technology and Sciences at Champlain College, proposes a novel solution: putting middle- and high-school students in charge of community cybersecurity. Dr. Duane expands on Richard Panthea’s 1996 discussion of putting basic controls in place. According to empirical studies, students who engage in community-based learning are more likely to be ethical, mature, professional, and creative.

Since 1997, Duane has worked in the field of IT security. Duane has given talks and published articles on cybersecurity, including a bi-weekly post for VTDigger. He also teaches security computer systems to middle and high school students.

Cyberpatriots will get executive functioning, analytic, and customer service abilities by leading the CERT, according to Duane. This TED talk teaches people how to embrace the power of cyber patriots to create a safe atmosphere. People can listen to this TED talk on the TEDx Talks YouTube channel.

10. The Five Laws of Cybersecurity

This TED talk, which was given in August 2018 and uploaded on September 7, 2018, is one of the most inspiring cybersecurity talks. The Five Laws of Cybersecurity teaches listeners about the implications of online interaction. Also, with Nick’s five cybersecurity laws, the goal of the TED talk is to educate people about the reality of cybersecurity.

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According to Nick Espinosa, the largest culture is that of internet users. Nick explained how, in 2016, a virus known as Mirai affected millions of IoT devices around the world. The audience was encouraged to think like a hacker rather than a helpless user during the presentation.

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Nick is a cybersecurity and network infrastructure expert who has counseled clients ranging from small enterprises to Fortune 100 companies. Nick is a successful businessman who started Windy City Networks, Inc at 19. He’s also a popular speaker and a member of the Forbes Technology Council.

People should be aware that when a vulnerability exists, hackers will take advantage to launch a destructive attack. Human nature encourages hacking, and understanding how to secure devices from cyberattacks stems from that understanding. Preventing cyber risks may be achievable if people begin to think like hackers. However, people can watch this TED lecture on TEDx Talks YouTube for more cybersecurity information. People can also listen to this TED talk on some podcasting apps such as Spotify.

11. The 1s and 0s Behind Cyber Warfare

This TED lecture took place in October of 2013. The significance of the 1s and 0s is to comprehend how every activity and piece of software is decoded in the backend. Furthermore, all binary operations enable cyber, and there is a radical approach to solving the most complex issues. The presentation’s goal was to remind users that binary operations are the primary mechanisms for devices to function.

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Chris Domas, a cybersecurity researcher, describes how his 30-hour session in the lab decoding a binary code led to enlightenment regarding a better way for people to interpret complex data. Domas explains how converting binary data into a visual abstraction can save researchers time.

Chris Domas is a cybersecurity researcher and system engineer who works on cyber. Chris demonstrates how researchers use pattern recognition and reverse engineering to decipher a portion of binary code whose purpose and contents are unknown.

This TED talk demonstrates a new approach to comprehending previously hidden data. Researchers and those interested in learning more can subscribe to the TEDTalk YouTube channel.

12. The Security Mirage

This presentation is one of the best TED speeches about cybersecurity, focusing on the philosophical component of security. Likewise, this TED lecture took place in October of 2010. The significance of this topic is that individuals will make better security trade-offs if people understand security as a reality and a feeling. However, this presentation aims to encourage people to think about security philosophically and consider how humans respond to the reality of security.

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According to Bruce Schneier, security is a combination of feelings and reality, with humans responding more to the former than the latter. He went on to say that humans don’t evaluate security breaches mathematically by looking at the relative odds of various situations. Contrarily, people rely on heuristics, including shortcuts, general rules, preconceptions, and bias. These heuristics impact how people think about risks, evaluate the likelihood of future events, weigh costs, and make trade-offs. However, when those heuristics fail, a person’s sense of security shifts away from reality.

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Bruce Schneier is a security specialist who thinks a lot about security, as well as a philosopher who cares about making the world a secure place. Bruce is a squid enthusiast and the author of several general security, computer security, and cryptography publications.

However, this TED presentation taught individuals how to get comfortable enough with better models to make security trade-offs and have the good model reflected in human experiences. Bruce also warned security specialists that security is more than simply a matter of fact; but also a matter of feeling. Bruce also stressed the necessity of ensuring that both the feeling and reality of security are the same in his TED talk. People can learn more about this TED talk on the TED talk website or the TED-Ed YouTube channel. People can also listen to this, and other TED talks on podcasting apps.

Who are the Orators of Cyber Security in TED Talks?

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The majority of TEDx speeches are given by cybersecurity experts who have been practicing in the field for many years. Ted talks have been given by some of the most impressive cybersecurity experts, including Mark Brunette, Chris Nickerson, Romeo Farinacci, Erik J. Huffman, Caleb Barlow, Srini Sampalli, Maytal Brooks-Kempler, Amy Zegart, and many others.

Although each cybersecurity expert has a unique viewpoint on the subject, all experts are focused on the same subject: cybersecurity. Mark, for example, feels that humans are the basic factor behind organizational cyber threats. According to Chris Nickerson, an ethical hacker and security specialist, security is more of a feeling than a product that can be purchased. Similarly, Bruce Schneier, a security expert and philosopher, demonstrated that cybersecurity mixes feelings and reality. He believed that humans could have a favorable attitude toward security if humans could live in the concept of security as reality and feelings.

What are the General Topics of TED Talks on Cyber Security?

Some of the general topics of TED talks on cybersecurity include threats, software developments, tips, news, passwords and authentication, physical security, mobile device security, working remotely, public WiFi, cloud security, and hacking. The majority of these themes are built around cyber security terms to engage and educate people about security in all parts of life and business.

Which Platforms can You Listen to TED Talks about Cyber Security on?

People can listen to TED talks on cyber security on the following platforms.

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  • YouTube: People can visit the TED or TEDx YouTube channel by visiting the YouTube website and searching for the channel.
  • TED app: TED speeches can be viewed on any smart TV by downloading the TED app.
  • Podcasts: People can also subscribe to TED talks through preferred podcasting platforms, such as Spotify, Apple, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and others.
  • Mobile and Tablet Apps: TED speeches are also available on mobile phones and tablets. Users may easily access favorite talks and watch history by syncing existing personal accounts.

What are the other Resources that You can Learn about Cybersecurity?

Apart from TED talks on cybersecurity, people can learn more about cybersecurity by using the following resources.

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  • Books: People can also learn about cybersecurity by reading books authored by specialists in the field. The Art of Invisibility, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, Cult of the Dead Cow, Ghost In The Wires, Cybersecurity for Beginners by Raef Meeuwisse, and other cybersecurity publications are examples of cybersecurity books.
  • Online Courses: People can learn about cybersecurity with the help of several online courses. Some of the platforms where people can study cybersecurity are Coursera, NexGenT, Open University, Cybrary, CISA, Open Security Training, and others.
  • Cybersecurity conferences: Cybersecurity conferences provide an opportunity for everyone to network, learn, and participate. Examples of cybersecurity conferences are Fundamentals of CDO Leadership in Data-Driven Enterprises, CactusCon, West 2023, Cloud and Cyber Security Expo.
  • Certifications: People can learn cybersecurity by acquiring certifications such as IBM Cybersecurity Analyst and Introduction to Cyber Security, IBM IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity, and IBM Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks certificates.
Isa Oyekunle Isa is a seasoned writer and a cybersecurity expert with about 7 years of experience under his belt. He has worked with a number of prominent cybersecurity websites worldwide, where he has produced hundreds of authoritative articles regarding the broad subject of internet security. He’s always been enthusiastic about digital security, and now, he’s committed to enlightening people around the world about it.
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